Observation: My neighborhood: Houses vary in color and shape. Every house is one story. Behind houses is a forest. There are different types of trees in peoples' yards. Yards are cut differently from each other. In my neighborhood multiple houses are for sale.
Observation: Legacy Park: Not much fencing around the houses. Looks like the same house over and over. A park is in the middle and next to it is a pool. Houses only slightly vary in color. Most houses have no drive ways. All the houses are two stories. There are condos, apartments, and houses in the community. The same type of tree is planted in each yard. There are double mail boxes in front of every home. Houses look modernized.
Speculation: I think Legacy Park was put in this place because, out side of this area is a trailer park. And they put Legacy Park here to make Casselberry look cleaner. Also it could have been put here because the city wants more people to live in Casselberry.
Analysis: Prices for homes range from 195,421 to 199,119. All of the homes are energy efficient. All the homes have a two year warranty and a landscape limited warranty. All homes come with a bunch of standard features. The packet which I received from the Centex (builder of Legacy Park) model home/Centex office about Legacy Park contains a sheet about Community Information which names multiple schools around the area which children can attend. This information sheet also highlights services, utilities and other community information.
Evaluation: I think Legacy Park was built in Casselberry, Florida because it was a business opportunity capitalizing on the fact that they could attract families to the sought after school system.
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